Matt Maher Is Catholic, And No One Cares (But Everyone Should)

There’s no better way to start off the new year than with a controversial post, so here goes:

In July of 2007, just a couple of months after I had accepted the position as full time Worship Director at Christ Community Church, I attended the first annual National Worship Leader Conference in Austin, Texas.  A number of big name Christian musicians led worship that week, but there were also a few young, mostly unknown songwriters and worship leaders who taught various workshops and seminars.

tlib-coverOne of these was a guy named Matt Maher.  I had never heard of Maher before, but at the conference I found out he was the person who wrote the song, “Your Grace is Enough” which Chris Tomlin had recorded the previous year (yes many worship leaders record songs written by other people).  Maher intrigued me and I was anxious to hear more from him with the release of his new album the following year.  Needless to say I was not disappointed, and over the next few years (and albums) Maher quickly became one of my favorite worship songwriters.

Then I would stumble upon the Youtube video that would rock my worship world:

I don’t entirely remember how I found it, but I stumbled upon a video of Matt Maher with two puppets named Drag and Gary.  It is absolutely hilarious (especially if you grew up in the 90s and know what a TrapperKeeper is).

When I went to find more information about these crazy puppets and how they knew Mr. Maher, I discovered that they were a part of a Catholic Youth Ministry website.  My interest was peaked, and after doing some more research I discovered my suspicions were correct:

Matt Maher is Catholic!

And not just in name only, but a faithful, devout, practicing Roman Catholic who doesn’t shy away from talking about his faith.  I, like many other people, had no idea.  This was especially shocking for a conservative Evangelical who left the Catholic church at a young age.  It’s not a secret that Evangelicals and Roman Catholics haven’t gotten along very well in the past, and to be quite honest, much Evangelical practice was established to be specifically non-Catholic (this is why we celebrate Communion once a month or less, instead of weekly).  So after finding all this out about one of my favorite worship songwriters, I had only one response:

This Is Awesome!

Now, if you come from a conservative Evangelical tradition like me, this response probably confuses you.  Why would I be excited about Matt Maher being Catholic? Aren’t they the ones who believe strange things about Mary, and that the Pope is more important than the Bible, and that you have to do good works in order to be saved?  This is the perspective (or perhaps caricature) that most Evangelicals have of Catholics and their theology.

But I was excited (and still am) because I believe this represents a huge step when it comes to the unity of the Church.  In John 17, Jesus specifically prays that the church would be unified, one in him.  And yet 2000 years after that prayer was prayed we are more divided than ever.  This is a complete travesty for the Church.  But here you have a young Catholic writing songs that are being sung by Evangelical Protestants around the world in praise to the one God that we both worship.  If there was ever a reason to hope for a greater unity within the Church, this is it.

Evangelicals Need Catholics

Yet, even more importantly, I strongly believe that Matt Maher’s Catholic theology is incredibly helpful for Evangelicals.  Now please don’t misunderstand me, I am an Evangelical Protestant and disagree with many things in Catholic theology. Were Maher and I ever to have the chance to sit down over coffee I’m sure we could have some lively debates about the purpose of the sacraments, the role of Church authority, and the means of salvation, among other things.

But while we may disagree on some issues, there is far more that we agree on, and even areas where I can learn from his tradition to make me a better Christian.  I don’t think it’s an accident that so many of Maher’s songs focus on elements of Christianity that Evangelicals have deemphasized, like the necessity of the resurrection, the centrality of communion, and the need for confession.  These are parts of our common tradition that we Evangelicals have too easily downplayed, which has left our doctrine and worship hollow.  Matt Maher’s Catholic faith pours through his songwriting, extending to the congregations that sing his songs.  I’ve even seen a shift by other songwriters to try and recapture some of the lost traditions and doctrines of conservative Protestants.  I’m not saying this is all because of Matt Maher, but I do think he has played a significant role in this shift.

Disagreeing With The Disagreers

Now I realize that there are those who will find out about Matt Maher’s faith through this post, and they will then choose not to use his songs anymore.  It’s not uncommon to find people who believe we should not use music from Christians with whom we have doctrinal differences.  Frankly, that would be a terrible shame.  This is a tremendous opportunity for Catholics and Protestants alike to find common ground in worship.  And I believe that worship is the beginning point of the Christian life.  The simple fact is we need each other, and worshiping together might be the only way we truly come to understand that.  In the end the songs Maher writes are good, faithful, true, and challenging.  They are the types of songs that are essential for the life of the Church, regardless of our particular Christian tradition.

So celebrate with me that we have so much in common with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters that we can sing the same songs to give praise to the Father who created all things, the Son who redeemed us by his death and resurrection, and the Spirit that leads us into the new creation life!  There is plenty of time to work out the doctrinal differences later, but for now it is time to sing!

28 thoughts on “Matt Maher Is Catholic, And No One Cares (But Everyone Should)

  1. Antonio

    I’m italian. I know the believe of the catholic “church”. Catholic people worship and pray to mary and the saints. But the bible tells us to pray and worship God only. This is only one great difference between catholic people and christian people. The first are religious people, chistians are born again people that have relationship with Jesus by his Word and his Spirit. “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God”. Catholics are baptized as infants, but the word of God tells us that we must choose to be baptized after having repented and believing in Christ. One is born again when he repents, believes in the Lord and decides to follow him. Do not be fooled. If you say: I’ m catholic, it means that you have not known the truth, and you can’t truly worship God. Catholicism is a religion. Even Protestantism is a religion. The true Christianity is a relationship with Jesus through his Word and his Spirit. True worship is through his Word and his Spirit. The Word and the Spirit teach us how to worship God, not religious people. Everyone can repeat what the Bible says , even through songs, but it does not mean he is Christian, it does not mean he is worshiping God, regardless of whether it is a Catholic or protestant. True worship is in Spirit and in truth. There are singers very famous that are not christians, yet they write songs that speak about God and Jesus, but they are not worshiping God, but they themselves. They can’t teach me nothing, if not deception.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Antonio, thanks so much for reading and interacting with my post. It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that I disagree with most of what you said, but I understand your concerns, as I’ve heard them many times before. Without going into too much detail let me just say that many Catholics do not fully understand what their church teaches on these issues. But of course many Protestants and Evangelicals don’t understand what their traditions teach either. In fact Christianity Today recently reported on a survey that revealed that the majority of Evangelicals hold positions that are historically heretical.

      You’re absolutely right that Christianity is a relationship with Jesus in Spirit and Truth. But I’m convinced this is the relationship that Matt Maher has, even if we disagree over specific points of doctrine.

      Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you’ll be back!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Kristine

      Really? You should brush up on what you know about the Catholic faith and compare it with what you think you know. Catholics do not worship Mary. Nor do they pray “to” her – they ask for her intersession to the Lord because she can help us with our prayers. Oy. It’s like Catholic myth busters 101. There’s a saying – people don’t dislike the Catholic church – they dislike what they THINK the Catholic church is.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Carly

        I agree with Antonio to a degree.. I’m also in an Italian catholic family & everyone always refers themselves to just “I’m catholic” & never “Christian”. They read books that are always catholic, just catholic magazines, alot of them are democrats & don’t have good morals, etc.. It’s like they are brain washed with these crazy ideas but they are definitely NOT conservative or from the Bible! And referring to Mary… “Pray for us sinners”… That’s praying TO someone. Intercession is how it works with Jesus & his Father… “Father God in Jesus name I come to you..” “Thank you Lord, In Jesus name I pray, Amen..” THAT’S intercession.. Jesus said “Come to me as I’m the mediator to my Father in heaven.”
        I have listened to Matt Maher & love some of his songs.. I don’t judge others, only the Lord knows truly knows what is truly in Matt’s heart & if he has a true relationship with Jesus. That isn’t for us to judge. I think it’s cool because of Matt’s singing because alot of catholic churches are now being exposed to his music (through his concerts & people hearing about him) & that might be leading people to know more about the Lord.. We can’t judge others, only the Lord truly knows the hearts of others.. God knows the ones who have that longing for Him in their heart & He will find them if they are waiting for Him & seek Him. Matt’s music could do that for these people.. 🙂


    3. Eleana Topp

      I am Catholic and a Cathequist for adult people who are becoming Catholics. The Church doesn’t teach to worship Mary and the Saints. That would be heresy and against the teachings of the Church.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ricardo morales

        I´m also catholic. Is very interesting how many people criticize the church based on lies they were told. How is it possible it went this far? how can many people have such a horrible idea of the teachings of the church which is basically accesible to any person who asks? I´ve had the honor of helping many evangelical brothers to come back to the church but when everything is explained they are like “well, I didn´t know that” “that makes sense, how could I have missed it?” “wow, that was in the scripture?”. I really think we need to form ourselves better and filled with love try to explain the basis of the faith to anyone who has doubts.


    4. ricardo morales

      well, I used to be evangelical. I really admire the love in the letters of this post. I think you were not really aware of the basis of the catholic faith. If you read the Bible more carefully you will realize that God was not angry when people gave praise or reverence to His people. God was angry when people made other gods which of course were false, but there were people kneeling in front of David and there is a promise to Josue that his brothes would kneel in front of him. Even the Holy Spirit gave praise to Mary. We only find the problem when somebody knelt in front of the angel to worship him as He is not God and he let him know hits fact. The problem is not kneeling, is not intercession, is changing God for a false god and we tend to do this normally when we worship ourselves or money. There are important things like communion or confession that people need to come back to as these were gifts from the Lord and I don´t think any gift from the Lord was given just because.


    5. Carly

      Hi Antonio, I’m Italian & my background is catholic, etc. First off I’d like to say that we can’t go judging what a person has in their heart & soul because of the church or religion they attend, only the Lord can truly judge a person’s heart & if they truly know Jesus & love Him, etc.. I came to know more about Jesus & became saved when I was about 14 through my Ma’s Aunt & the same with my Ma.. My Ma still attends catholic church but I know that she is saved & has a relationship with Jesus.. She is 80 yrs old, you gonna go judging her because she doesn’t leave the church?? Of course she doesn’t say & do certain things there @ church.. She’s been to evangelical church in the past & she didn’t feel comfortable for some reason/too many people or too loud?? Those churches aren’t for everybody.
      I think some people just feel safer at certain churches because they’ve been there so long or the other churches they just aren’t comfortable with/too much for them???Catholics can be saved because the Lord can enter into anybody’s heart, as long as you have an open heart then He will be free to enter.
      I’ve even been to a couple catholic church for a couple of services & one was nice (had someone with guitars singing) & the priest was nice & really made me feel great! I was moving around in the pew, don’t care what people think! The other church the priest was really spiritual & talking about Jesus alot, about having a relationship with Jesus.. I think it’s about how people take the messages given to them??
      I believe the Lord sees our true hearts.. 🙂

      MATT MAHER – I love some of Matt Maher songs, they are some of my favorite songs! If these are some songs that will get more people listening to them that’s a great thing! Get more worship in the church is always an awesome thing.
      So many people listen to Ray Boltz (or others) & don’t give a hoot.. They are singing worship & they are obviously against the Bible.. Matt Maher is pretty much doing no wrong, he is still singing worship to the Lord.. I just took the “Communion song” as the Lord when he died for us, His body & His blood which he gave up for us dying.. Thank you Lord! People can take that in their own way too, about the communion.. Alot of people don’t take it literally just because they’re in catholic church, people just assume it.. I think a small amount in the church only believe that its literal.

      BTW… I have epilepsy & anxiety so I haven’t been to church for a while, last I went was X-Mas Mass with 4 other family members but it was so loud, etc… Mostly I just watch alot stuff on tv or online.. I have alot of things come in email too..


    6. John E

      Hello, I am Catholic and Catholics are Christians. The Catholic Church is actually the original Christian Church. The Church does not teach to worship Mary or the Saints, but only God, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t honor them and learn from them, just like the angel Gabriel greatly honored Mary for example. True Christian Catholics are born again of water and the Spirit and have repented and put their trust purely in the grace of God through Jesus Christ. About baby baptism, entire families (including babies) would come to Jesus and get baptized at once (Acts 2:38-39, Acts 16:33, 1 Cor 1:16) and Jesus says to let the infants come to the kingdom of God in Luke 18:15-16. The Early Church practiced infant baptism, here is a link to quotes from our Church Fathers: . There are many Catholic people, including myself, that know the truth and have a relationship with Jesus, and we are a part of the Catholic Church as a result. For example, the Church teaches the true Biblical Christian doctrine of the Eucharist, as stated in 1 Cor 11 and John 6, as well as what is believed by the early Church, here is a list of quotes: . This was the belief all Christians had for the first 1500 years of Christianity, so Catholics are able to truly worship Jesus in worshiping His body, soul and divinity, and by partaking in it, as He told us to. I know there are a lot of misconceptions about the Catholic Church, but I would encourage you to explore it: Keith Nester is a great youtube channel to watch for this. God bless you, I’ll pray for you, and I love your commitment to Jesus.


      1. John

        There is ZERO mention of a baby being baptized in the Bible. So, if that’s true, does a baby automatically become a Christian without faith and repentance? The family of the Philippian jailer does not mention infants; you can’t read that into Scripture!



        I have two questions for you. So when in Acts 16:15 says “When she and the members of her household were baptized” there were no kids? The members of her family were just adults? No children? where does it say her family had just adults? Why first Christians will ALWAYS baptized babies?

        Another question, if the baptism is just by immersion what happens with people that live in countries that don’t have oceans or rivers like in Africa and many Middle Eastern countries? Do they have to travel hours and hours to other places to get baptized?


    7. Ken

      Very good, your words are Biblically correct, Antonio. Sad many others don’t get.
      A very large gap on what salvation is and the cross.


  2. Hello Stephen,

    I stumbled onto your blog searching for information on Matt Maher’s theology and am glad I found it. Great to see you interacting with a topic I am wrestling with as a worship leader at my church.

    I appreciate the spirit in which you write your article. It is gentle & winsome and holds nothing back in your position. However, I am concerned about two parts you mentioned and if you have time (I know I’m a year late to the party as this article was published in January 2015), it’d be helpful to hear your perspective.

    You write (I’ve shortened it for brevity’s sake):
    “Were Maher and I ever to have the chance to sit down over coffee I’m sure we could have some lively debates about…the means of salvation…”

    Isn’t the means of salvation (or the doctrine of salvation) the defining factor as to who is a Christian and who is not? Although we may agree on important issues such as the nature of the Trinity, this issue seems to me irreconcilable to me between Evangelicals and Roman Catholic Church.

    When you mention, “It’s not uncommon to find people who believe we should not use music from Christians with whom we have doctrinal differences” you seem to lump the doctrine of salvation into the same category as disagreement over the millennium in Revelation or infant baptism which I believe is an error. If Maher subscribes to salvation by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8), which to my understanding of Roman Catholic (RC) theology does not, then Maher should not be part of the RC church. But if Maher does subscribe to RC theology, then the doctrinal divide is too great a chasm to overcome. The result is that Maher is not a Christian. But your above statement suggests that RC is another denomination when it is another religion altogether based on a different means of salvation.

    I would love to hear your thoughts if you had time. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Matt Brunt

      I only accidentally landed here, myself–and 2.5 years since your post! I’m sure you’ve moved on. But in the event that you haven’t and are still interested in this sort of dialog:

      It’s refreshing to hear folks on either side of what is often a militant and divisive debate actually engaging in some hopeful and considerate dialog. It can be so tempting to jettison love in the interest of making what we are firmly convinced is a necessary theological point. It may well be! But love is never negotiable. God bless all of you for communicating in love!

      I can’t necessarily answer your question, Carlin. I’m a seeker looking to God for answers, too. But here’s a pretty clearly formulated response at

      I’m not a Catholic christian (though I am a catholic christian), but it sounds like our Catholic brothers and sisters also find salvation in Christ alone (by grace and through faith).

      Grace and peace,


      1. Carly

        Hi Matt, I was interested in reading the following on the site.. “The Catholic Church teaches that salvation comes through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12), since he is the “one mediator between God and man” (1 Tm 2:5-6)”
        I just can’t figure out why if the church actually believes that Jesus is the only way of salvation then why do they have to do so many things…aka forms of good works? Why can’t they actually pray to Jesus/God since the above actually says “Jesus is the one mediator between God & man”.. All these prayers are done to everybody else BUT the Lord like nobody’s worth it even though the scripture says Jesus died for us & salvation comes through HIM ALONE! I never get it even though the church always claims it, it’s like they don’t go by what they claim..
        Former catholic until teenager..


      2. chiplin25

        Actually Luther added the word ‘alone’ when he translated the Bible.
        Previous to Luther the word ‘alone’ was not in the Bible. Read early church history.

        Jesus did not give the keys of the kingdom to Luther or to John Calvin, but to Peter.

        Thirdly, the church came before the Bible. It had to. Who do you think put the Bible together?

        Go read early church history. St Augustine was around in year 350. Everything he wrote was Catholic. Do you want to believe in the original Christian church or the current watered down version?


  3. Wonderful blog post! I am a former Protestant, now Catholic, and I much appreciated this. I especially appreciated how you noted that what many people believe about the Catholic Church is in fact merely a “caricature” of the real thing. As bishop Fulton Sheen put it “There are not one hundred people who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions who hate what they mistakenly believe to be the Catholic Church.”

    For Christian Unity, I like to look to C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien; two men who are much appreciated by both Protestants and Catholics. What many don’t know is that C.S. Lewis (a Protestant) and J.R.R. Tolkien (A Catholic) were very good friends. Tolkien’s Catholicism carried a great deal into The Lord of the Rings “The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work…” -J.R.R. Tolkien. He also said that The Lady Galadriel evokes Our Lady Mary. In Minas Tirith, the city with seven hills with a prow like a great ship and ruled by a steward in anticipation of the King, we see a vision of the Catholic Church. It also appears that in Rohan, which was once a part of Gondor, we see a picture of the Protestant church.


    1. Carly

      I don’t know why everyone always says “everyone hates each other”.. I don’t think most feel that way unless others are mocking or giving feelings to really not like each other.. I live in a really big family where everybody’s catholic & there is only a couple of us that are more evangelical, etc… Everybody gets along fine.. I never go throwing anything in anybody’s face but I live what I am, you have to when you follow the Bible.. We all might be a little “put off” by certain things with each other @ times but that’s what happens in life.. You can’t going hating or being enemies with others, overall the Lord is the Lord & we all worship Him.. If you don’t wanna get into probs then don’t talk politics or moral issues, etc.. in public (family or friends) if u can’t stand your ground without “making those enemies”.. Alot of people don’t like hearing my stand on things but eh, that’s my opinion.. We all have to choose out own ways but hopefully it will never be an enemy to another or vice versa.. Blessings to all!! 🙂


  4. Eleana Topp

    Hi Stephen! Nice article on Matt Maher. He is one of my favorite Catholic singers. We Catholics listen and sing songs from protestant singers in retreats and also during Eucharistic Adoration. The lyrics can’t go against the teachings of the Church. One more thing, there is Comunion everyday in the Church, because everyday the Church celebrates Mass.


  5. reinless goo

    i hate the way many people think saying “i’m catholic” must mean “i’m not christian”
    btw the pope is not the same level as the bible because the pope is a human and the bible was written through the power of the holy spirit. The pope has the final word on interpreting the bible on earth because biblically speaking he is the successor of the apostle st. peter


  6. Bruce

    Here is what Matt Maher would say. Read the last paragraph. It says it all…

    Maher said he didn’t find Jesus until 1995, when he moved to Phoenix to study at Arizona State University. His cousin started taking him to Mass, and one night she suggested they go to a youth group event organized by members of the parish.
    Maher said he was shocked to see people his age talking about how their love for Jesus had changed their lives for the better. Maher recalled feeling very confused. “I thought, what is this, a cult?”
    Turns out, it was a meeting of charismatic Catholics, part of a movement called the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Many observers have likened charismatic prayer sessions to Pentecostal revival meetings.
    He went back to Mass and youth group meetings over the summer, though he still had “no clue what was happening on a spiritual level.”
    But one night that fall, it all clicked. On the weekend of his 20th birthday, Maher watched his new friends perform a skit called, “The Broken Heart,” about a young girl who gets a new heart from God after giving hers away to a young boy.
    As he watched, Maher experienced what he called a “profound awakening.”
    “I was standing in the back of the room and I burst into tears,” Maher remembered. Not long after, he started writing worship songs for the group’s prayer sessions and devoted himself to performing Christian music.
    Jody Rieber used to attend worship nights with Maher in Phoenix. She says his music always evoked “an emotional response” in her and it still does now.
    “Whenever I hear his live tracks or concerts, it seems like he’s doing the same thing, just on a larger scale,” she said.
    Maher said he believes God called him “to write music with Protestants and be in ministry with them” as a means to strengthening his own faith.
    Maher’s wife, Kristin, is a Methodist, and the two are rearing their 20-month-old son, Michael, in the Catholic Church. They also take him to Methodist services on Sundays, too, so he can experience both traditions.
    None of Maher’s current tour mates, singer-songwriter Chris August, or the six members of the band, Bellarive, are Catholic.

    “What’s fantastic about it is we’re all Christians from different denominations and we’re learning to understand each other,” Maher said. “It just means that we’re writing about mysteries that we don’t fully understand.”


  7. B.G.

    Thank you for what you wrote. My journey began very similar to your (just add in a rather lax “Jewish” father to the upbringing. I’m now in vocational ministry (we actually believe God is leading us to start a church in our home!?!?!). Your encouragement to unite & love, not point, dissect and be known for (even more) hatred is great. Keep going!!! If you’re in the Triad NC area, look me up, please!


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